Library Considering Digital Magazine Access

The Glenview library is considering the possibility of subscribing to Zinio digital magazine service, which would offer patrons unlimited access to hundreds of magazines.  With a subscription, Glenview residents would be able to read these magazines on almost any digital device, tablets, smartphones, or laptops.

According to Diane Comen, the library has spoken to representatives from Zinio and is enthusiastic about the possibility, but said that they require funding to cover the subscription cost.

If you would like this service, send the library a note indicating your support.

2 responses to “Library Considering Digital Magazine Access

  1. Is this the resuRrected glenview watch. Would love to help

    • Charlotte–it is the Glenview Watch. Sandy is on to bigger and better things, and I’m not much of a journalist. 🙂 If you’d like to help, that would be great! And P.S., please vote!

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